Lone Sorensen

CV 2024



Owner of

The International Institute of Facial Reflex therapy Lone Sorensen SL

Barcelona, Spain.

Refleksterapi- Avanceret zoneterapi

The International Institute Lone Sorensen.

Phone + 34 678769550



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Lone Sorensen is owner of the International institute teaching Reflex therapies, Temprana Reflex therapy, laser-therapy and anatomy, since 1978.

Lone Sorensen started her first Reflex therapy school in Copenhagen, Denmark and 3 schools in Argentina.

Lone Sorensen is a therapist educated in Reflex therapy, acupuncture, kinesiology, aroma medicine and neurology. Working in Denmark since 1978, then in France, Chile, Germany, Argentina and Cuba.

She lived 10 years of professional experience in Denmark, 13 years in Argentina and then until now in Spain.

Lone Sorensen has developed Facial Reflex-, Neuro- foot Reflex therapy and Temprana Reflex rehabilitation based Reflex therapy, methodologies combining therapies from oriental medicine, acupuncture, the primitive techniques of aborigines and zone therapy with neuroanatomy.

This therapeutic methods and the coordination of foot, face and hand Reflex therapy is the base of the concept of Temprana Reflex stimulation, which is in a rehabilitation therapy for children with brain damage, syndromes, mental and learning problems, also used as a home training family rehabilitation.

The method Lone Sorensen uses are based in different Micro systems with scientific research behind; Dr. Yamamoto (YNSA), Japan, Dr. Castillo Morales, Argentina, Dr. Wong, USA, Dr. Chau, Vietnam, Maria Perez, Argentina, Dr. J. Bossy, France.

Her methods and concepts were approved in the center “Kurhuset” for patients with brain damage in year 2000 in Denmark.

She received three Nobility titles from the O.M.H.S. (Humanity World Organization Pro-Health in Argentina) in March 2001 for her works with reflex therapy in Argentina.

Lone Sorensen led the International schools of Reflex therapy in 24 countries and teach with 45 instructors her patented concept of Reflex therapy in:

Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, England, Ireland, Poland, Czech republic, Turkey, Portugal, Holland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia, Hong Kong, Oman, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Argentina.

Basic Education:

1978 to 1981, Denmark: Foot Reflex Techniques.

1982, Denmark: Acupuncture.

1987, Denmark: Kinesiology.

1985, Denmark: Electro stimulation (TNS), Therapeutic Laser.

1985, Denmark:  Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology. Public University of Copenhagen.

1987, Denmark: Kinesiology and education.

1988, Argentina, Bahía Blanca: Lymphatic drainage, Bahia Blanca.

1990, Cuba: Acupuncture

1991, Cuba: Ryhoden diagnose method and Cyber therapy.  

1991, Argentina: Praxis Vertebralis. Tibetan medicine.


1978-88, Denmark, Copenhagen: Reflex therapy school and clinic in Copenhagen.

1988- 2000, Argentina, Bahia Blanca, Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires: Institute and school of Professional Reflex therapy.

2000-2002: Denmark: Face- & Foot - and Temprana Reflex Therapy School and clinic, Copenhagen

2002, Spain, Barcelona: International Institute and school of Reflex, - and Temprana Reflex Therapy

2014, Argentina, Bariloche:AlsoInternational Institute and school of Reflex, - and Temprana Reflex Therapy.

Advanced Courses:

1987, Denmark: Incontinence, Rheumatic Pathologies and post-natal.

1999, Denmark: Sports therapy.

1999, Denmark: Treatments for children 0-1 years old.

1999, Denmark: Soft Laser stimulation in Reflex therapy.

1999, England, UK: Color therapy.

2000, Denmark:  Anatomy Up date.

1999, Denmark: Complementary treatment on diet/Reflex therapy in patients with cancer.

1999, Denmark: Cell Com stimulation, acupuncture system.

1999, Denmark: Mental Diseases and reflexology.

1999, Denmark: Reflex therapy as a complementary aid for addicts.

2001, Argentina: 3 nobility prizes from O.H.M.S. Humanity World Health Organization, Argentina) for research work.


1994, Argentina, Bahia Blanca: Reflex-therapy project for children with Down syndrome organizer.

1994, Argentina, Bahia Blanca: Spina Bifida Reflex therapy. Project organizar. Temprana for Spina Bifida.

1995, Argentina, Mar del Plata: Dementia project.

1995, Argentina, Bahia Blanca: Parkinson’s project.

1991, Argentina: Founder of the 1st Reflex therapy Association in Argentina.

Participation in Lectures and Conventions (National and International)

From 1988- 2015: Denmark, Copenhagen, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Dorrego, Mar del Plata, Rosario, Mendoza, Río Negro, London, Panama, Stockholm, Gothemburg, Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, Rome, Honolulu, Hawai, Italy, Canada, Spain, New Zealand.

1994, Argentina, Sierra de la Ventana: -Pain and Cancer Convention (Medical Organization and Association)

 1996, Chile: Speaker in International Convention of Oriental Medicine.

1998, Argentina, Buenos Aires: Speaker in the TV channel Canal de la mujer during one year.

1999, Argentina, Buenos Aires: Speaker in conference in Eco Bio Cultura.

1998, Argentina, Cordoba: Speaker in convention of Temprana Stimulation Dr. Pinel Foundation.

1999, Argentina, Buenos Aires: Speaker in the Latin American Convention of Natural Therapies, Reflex therapy, new ideas for Temprana stimulation.

1999, Panama:  Speaker in the International Temprana Convention Dr. Pinel Foundation. Subject: Reflex therapy and Zone therapy in rehabilitation of children.

1999, Argentina: Speaker in the International Convention for Temprana rehabilitation, Buenos Aires. Dr. Pinel Foundation. Subject Reflex therapy/ Temprana Stimulation.

1999, Hawaii, Honolulu: Participant in the International I.C.R. Convention of Reflexology.

2000, Denmark: Danish research;  projects dedicated to treat patients with brain damage with Temprana Reflex rehabilitation, Center of Rehabilitation,  1 ½ years.

2000-02, Denmark: PROJECT teaching home training courses to parents; how to treat brain damaged children intensively with Temprana Reflex rehabilitation, as home training family program.


1997-2002, Denmark: Working in 5 FDZ schools of reflexology, teaching advanced courses in facial/foot Reflex therapy and Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.


1990, Argentina: T.V. Participation in Dr. Cormillot´s program, Buenos Aires.

1990, Argentina: President of the Argentinean Reflexology Association.

1998 Participant in TV. The woman´s channel, Argentina.

2000 Participant in a radio program in Denmark about TEMPRANA REFLEX rehabilitation for brain damage Spain.

2000-3: Teaching Facial Reflex therapy, level 1, 2, 3 & 4 in the Universidad of Medicine Complutense in Madrid, Faculty of Medicine.

2001-2, Sweden: Teaching Facial Reflex therapy levels 1, 2, 3 &4 in the Vacuflex Institute in Stockholm.

2003, Spain: Organizer of the Barcelona convention, Complementary Therapies.

2000-3, Denmark: Organizer of the “Da Vinci Project, program of education for the European community for the development of teachers in Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2000, Denmark: Speaker in the European Reflexology Convention, Odense, about Facial Reflexology.

2001, Italy: Speaker about Facial Reflexology in the Italian conference of Reflexology.

2003, London: Speaker about Facial Reflexology in the AOR Conference of Reflexology.

2004, Spain: Presentation of Temprana Reflex Reflex therapy in the Ramon LLull University in Barcelona.

2004, London: Speaker about Neuro foot Reflex therapy in the AOR member’s day.

2004, Brazil, Rio d J.: Speaker about Facial reflex therapy in Conference.

2005, Argentina, Buenos Aires: Speaker about Facial reflex therapy in Conference.

2005, London: Speaker about Praxis Vertebralis in the AOR Conference of Reflexology.

2005, Stockholm: Speaker about Facial Reflex therapy in the Conference of Reflexology.

2005, Dublin: Speaker about Facial Reflex therapy in the Conference of Reflexology of Ireland.

2007, Barcelona, Spain: Organizer of the Barcelona convention, Complementary Therapies.

2008, New Zealand: Speaker about Facial Reflex therapy and Praxis vertebralis in New Zealand National Reflexology network.

2008; Canada: Speaker about Facial Reflex therapy in the Canadian conference of Reflexology.

2009, Canada: International on line conference: Speaker about Facial Reflex therapy. Conference of Reflexology

2009, London: Speaker about Facial Reflex therapy in the AOR member’s day.

2010, USA, Denver: Speaker, about Facial Reflex therapy and Praxis Vertebralis. The RAA conference.

2010, Dubai: Speaker, about Temprana Reflex rehabilitation. The Medical conference for children with special needs/Autism.

2010, Japan: Speaker, about the use of Aroma medicine/ Facial Reflex therapy. The International Federation of Aroma therapists in Tokyo.

2010, Japan: Speaker, about Facial Reflex therapy. IMSI, Tokyo

2010, China: University of Medicine Fuzhou, teaching Reflex therapy for medical students.

2010, USA, North Carolina: Round table medical presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2011, Oman, Muscat: Speaker about Temprana Reflex rehabilitation. The Medical conference for children with special needs.

2011, Oman, Muscat: Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation/department of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

2011, Oman, Muscat, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation/department of Sport.

2011, Oman, Muscat, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation/department of Sport.

2012, Oman, Muscat, Armed Forces Hospital, presentation ofTemprana Reflex rehabilitation/ department of rehabilitation.

2012, Poland, Warsaw: presentation of face, foot and hand Reflex rehabilitation sorensensitemTM concept.

2012, Oman, Muscat: SQUH, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2012, Oman, Muscat: Ministry of Social Development, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2012, Oman, Muscat: Ministry of Education, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2012, Oman, Muscat: Ministry of Health, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2012, Oman, Salalah: Sultan Qaboos Hospital, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation/ department of nursery, physiotherapy and Medical Drs.

2012, Oman, Muscat: Minister of Health, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation / Hotel Hyatt.

2012, Denmark, Aarhus: TV presentation of Temprana rehabilitation in DK4.

2012, Denmark, Copenhagen: presentation of face, foot and hand Patching Reflex therapy sorensensitemTM concept.

2012- 3, Oman, Muscat:  Special need schools, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2013, Oman, Muscat, Sultan Qaboos Sport complex, presentation of Temprana Reflex therapy/ department of physiotherapy.

Oman, Muscat 2013: The Institute of Omar Bin Al khatab for Visual Impairment, presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation.

2013, Sweden, Karlstad: Women’s conference.

2014, Denmark: Presentation of Temprana Reflex rehabilitation for epilepsy, DK 4 TV.

2013-14, Denmark: Participation in School therapy project/research,

2014, Denmark: Leading Temprana Reflex rehabilitation, project of Epilepsy,

2014. Poland, Warsaw: Organization of the 1st. international "BRAIN" conference.

2015. Denmark. TV program "NATURLIGVIS" about Temprana Reflex therapy & epilepsy.

2015. Opening o International ONLINE school.

2015. Karlstad, Sweden. Talk about Temprana Relex therapy.

2016. Teaching in "KURSUS & TEMA", Denmark - Demencia & Reflex therapy.

2016. Speaker in the Reflexology conference, Australia, Perth. Oct. 2016

2017. World Women Leaderships / Women Super Archiver Award; Mumbai, India the 17th of March 2017

2017. Women Economic Forum WEF, New Delhi, India, “Iconic Women Creating a Better World for All” Award at the Annual Women Economic Forum, 9th of May 2017

2023, Speaker in RiHN conference, Spain

2024 Speaker in Dubai Health Conference

Books by Lone Sorensen 

Reflexología Facial I, Edaf Editorial, Madrid, Spain

Ansigtszoneterapy I, sorensensistem, Denmark

Facial Reflexology I, English,

Facial Reflexology I, Japanese

The Essence of Facial Reflexology Therapy: Lone Sorensen / 2023

More than 700 articles published about Lone Sorensen/concept of Reflex therapy in

Denmark, Sweden, England, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Poland, Checz Republic, Slovenia, Argentina, Mexico, USA, Canada, Japan, Australia and Oman.

Nogle projekter ledet af Lone Sorensen



Kurser er:

Giver RABtimer i Danmark

Lone Sørensen, P00124, er godkendt som udbyder af uddannelse af den amerikanske Zoneterapi Certification Board.
Reconocido por y Co-sponsoreret af North Carolina Zoneterapi Association og Center for Healing Art, NCBTMB, EEUU
Godkendt af DDZ, Danmark
Godkendt af AOR, Storbritannien
Godkendt af Federation for Holistisk Terapeuter (FHT) Uk
Godkendt af Irske Zoneterapeuter 'Institute (IRI)

Godkendt af den Australske zoneterapiforening

Internationalt Institut for Refleksterapi Lone Sorensen SL

Ciutat de Granda 38, 08005 Barcelona, Spanien

E-mail: sorensensistem@gmail.com

Award, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2001

Award, Mumbai, India 2017

Award, New Delhi, India 2017

Refleksterapi- Avanceret zoneterapi

Igennem mine 42 års lange erfaringer som terapeut, har jeg ledet mange projekter med forskellige patientgrupper i Sydamerika; kvinder med brystkræft, børn med Downs syndrom, børn med Espina bifida, Alzheimers og Parkinsons patienter og mange flere. Alle projekter udført med den samme energi og ildhu. Arbejdet i Argentina, med så store mængder handicappede børn og voksne, - hvor optil 1000 behandlinger og hjemmetræningskurser blev udført på mit institut om måneden, igennem 12 år, har været en fantastisk oplevelse og ubeskrivelig personlig udfordring. Ligeledes har jeg været stækt tiltrukket af, at arbejde med hjælp til selvhjælps metoder i Amazonejunglen, med indianer i det nordlige Argentina. Siden 2011 har jeg ledet forskellige projekter i Oman. Flere af disse projekter har haft til formål, at give normader med handicappede børn en hjælp- til selvhjælps metode til at hjemme-genoptræne deres handicappede børn. Stort antal normader har 4-8 handicappede børn pr familie. Bestemt en meget berigende udfordringer, af de større. Ikke allene at hjælpe desperate forældre, men også at arbejde med en så anderledes kultur, under meget anderledes og fattige forhold, med mennesker uden uddannelse og en del sprogudfordringer, med alle typer overraskelser under vejs. Jeg har tillige ledet et akut "hjælp til selvhjælpsprojekt" til traumatiserede japanere i forbindelse med jordskælv/tsunami i 2011 samt støttet et projekt YELLOW RIBBON med behandlingsprotokoller til soldater med PTSD i USA.  Alt dette har givet mig dyb indsigt i, hvad det betyder at kunne tilbyde mennesker effektiv hjælp med de Refleksterapi metoder, jeg selv har udviklet igennem årene, et koncept hvormed det er muligt at undervise mennesker i hjælp til selvhjælp - uden så meget som at tale samme sprog.

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